Claim your child care expenses
Source - Turbo Tax
"Canadian taxpayers can claim up to $8,000 per child for children under the age of 7 years at the end of the year.
$5,000 per child for children aged 7 to 16 years.
For disabled, dependent children of any age who qualify for the disability tax credit, the amount to claim for that child is $11,000.
You can claim $5,000 for a disabled child over the age of 16 who does not qualify for the disability tax credit but was still dependent on you and required care.
For a boarding school or overnight camp, you may only claim up to $200 per week for a child under the age of 7 years, $275 per week for an eligible disabled child, or $125 per week for a child aged 7 to 16 years."
"You can claim child care costs paid to day nursery schools and daycare centers, caregivers such as nannies, overnight boarding schools and camps that provide lodging, day camps and day sports schools.
To be eligible, the primary purpose of the day camp or day sports school must be to provide child care.
In Canada, if you pay an individual person such as a nanny or babysitter, you must provide their social insurance number.",What%20Child%20Care%20Expenses%20Can%20You%20Claim%3F,camps%20and%20day%20sports%20schools